Monday, April 03, 2006

Tell-All Tuesday

My Tell-All Tuesday is this: I heart Storms. :) I do! The house I am living in now is the only one of the last three without a sunroom and I miss it. I never sat in the sunroom when it was sunny, but it was an incredible place to be when it stormed! To be able to see the lightning from all angles was AMAZING! And to FEEL the thunder in that glass room was just indescribable. I like how powerful storms are and how little they make me feel! Sometimes I need to be knocked down a peg or two when considering my own importance in this world. Storms don't care a bit about me. And I'm ok with that. I think they are BEAUTIFUL! Lightning is so awesome. Thunder is really cool too. I just like how different it is everytime. I don't always like it when it wakes me up, but once I'm awake, I really do enjoy listening to it! Oh. I will say this for my current home. It doesn't have a sunroom, but it DOES have a metal roof and the rain is SO AMPLIFIED THAT YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE HEARING IMPAIRED TO NOT KNOW THAT IT WAS RAINING!!! And I like that too. So there ya go. It's random. But now, you know. (I'm thinking all this because, even though this is Tell-All TUESDAY, it is Monday morning, 5:15 and I'm writing this listening to the rain and hail and thunder. Brilliant time to be on the computer, I know. I AM blonde ya know.)

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