Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'm too tired for Things I Love Thursday...So here's a Thursday Tag instead! :)

I AM: a friend, a teacher, a sister, a daughter, a writer, a reader, a listener, and soooo much more

I WANT: time to do everything I need to do and still have some time and energy left for those things I want to do.

I WISH: All my friends lived closer to me!!!

I HATE: not being able to fix things for people. Not like plumbing or electrical things, but those emotional, hurtful, unfixable things.

I MISS: being able to hear from people who are now gone.

I HEAR: kids laughing and playing and being released from the stress of End of Grade Tests.

I WONDER: why. A lot.

I REGRET: Very little. Even the things that would make most people say, "I wish I could do that again - differently" I don't think I would. Without those mistakes I wouldn't have learned what I now know and I would be a very different person. And I'm not sure that's a good thing.

I AM NOT: good at giving up control.

I DANCE: only in the kitchen...and then it has to be the "kitchen dance".

I SING: LOUDLY in the shower and in the car or just hanging around the house - and ALWAYS with ABBA, but I sing more quietly when around other people.

I CRY: when I am sad, angry, too happy, hurt, at Oreo commercials, basically, all the time! I'm not a weeper. It just seems that EVERY emotion, good or bad, can cause me to tear up pretty easily!

I AM NOT ALWAYS: patient. I am not always right. (Someone else should write that down!! I don't say that too very much!)

I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: words and music, messes and organized stacks!

I WRITE: things that are important, things I want to remember, things I want to forget, things that make me think, things that make me laugh. I write at night, in dark rooms with only enough light to see what I am doing. I write things that many others will one day see. I write down things that no one will ever see. I write when I am upset. I write when I am happy. I write when I am confused. This year, I forgot to write...until just recently. Its kind of like I suddenly remembered who I am again.

I CONFUSE: laughter with happiness.

I NEED: a nap!!!!

I SHOULD: finish something before I start something else! I should work ONE job only! I should REST a minute!

I START: lots of the same time

I FINISH: every book I start....eventually! Some take a little longer than others!

I'M GLAD: that I have been blessed with the friends I have.

I LIVE: life really fast. It fills up so quickly and it passes before I know it. Someone slow this down!!

I PRAY: at the strangest moments and I often say the strangest things. I can just see God shake His head at me...of course, He's not shocked by what I am saying! It's not like He didn't know it was coming!!

I SEEK: peace.

I WOULD RATHER: work with children than adults.

I PREFER: to not play games in relationships - in any relationship. I want people to just tell me what they think and feel (tactfully, if possible) and then move forward!

I KNOW: how to make people laugh - usually.

I MUST HAVE: chocolate, books, alone time, music and friends - these are not in the order of importance...usually. :)

I HOPE: to one day find the right man at the right time to share the rest of my life with - but, more importantly, I hope to continue to be the kind of person who is VERY happy with life the way it not sit around thinking that something is missing just because I'm not married or I'm not a mom, or something like that.

OK girls....this is a philosophical tag, but fun nonetheless! Enjoy...and TAG - YOU'RE IT!! Bina, Brooke, Sarai, Kim, Maleah, Beth, Laura - go for it!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Hey! Very cool tag...this just might be what it takes to get me back in to blogging for this week...I have really been a slacker. I liked reading your responses!