Thursday, March 19, 2009

Steps 2-- A LOT!

I have gotten frustrated in the past because there isn't a gym nearby and I've used that as an excuse to NOT workout anywhere. Yeah. Whatever. I work right next to WCU's campus. I pass the Smokey Mountain High School track TWICE a day. I also now have a nice gym less than 10 miles from my house that I could use. So the REAL deal is that I am totally mortified at the thought of other people seeing my feeble attempt to haul my large hiney into the gym to workout! While it isn't much, I do enjoy walking and walking is a heck of a lot better than doing nothing! So I'm making an effort! My PLAN was to get up and walk at the track BEFORE school this week. Well, yesterday was too cold and this morning I OVERSLEPT! But yesterday I discovered that walking around the picnic area of Deep Creek three times is exactly a mile and it is GORGEOUS! So yesterday after our last sign language class and before choir practice, I walked at Deep Creek while listening to some FABULOUS music and looking at the gorgeous park. Today, I hope to do the same before our 24/7 Meeting at church. They may be baby steps...but they still get you somewhere!


friendbrooke at everyday blessings said... are inspiring me! Way to go! I am so proud of you and will support you in anyway I can! Too bad we don't live closer we could walk together. Oh I know we could walk to meet halfway...haha:) Love you!

Lori G said...

Thanks friend! I wish we could walk together everyday! If we started now, we might be able to meet in Statesville on Saturday or so. :) Love you!

saraiwithani said...

Once again, I'm proud of you!! I'm a huge fan of baby steps as long as they get you to your goal, and you're well on your way! Congrats!

Shannon said...

You go girl!!!

k.mart said...

You know what... I'm inspired now too!

I could start running with girls twice a week. I mean we were gifted with a jogging stroller-- what is my excuse, right?

It is so hard to get in a habit like this, especially with all you've got going on. But I hope it's going well for you!

Sure hope everything is going well in fact. Blessings from TN!