Friday, January 27, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

This is going to be hard! I feel so blessed to have the friends that I have. It will be hard to choose one! Can we have lots of Fridays in a row?

Ok, so, my favorite friend for this week is Sabrina Trantham. God SOOOOO blessed me when He sent her my way. Not only did He send me a friend that I trust completely, but He sent her in the form of a co-worker. So I get to see her everyday. We are passionate about the same things. We teach the same way...and the same thing...every minute...of every day. We sooo share a brain! I knew that I was blessed to have her as a friend, but God really reminded me of how great our situation is when He showed me that it was possible for us to not work together. It was a great opportunity to tell her how happy I am to be working with her. We've taught together for 6 years now. I can't imagine teaching with anyone else. (Although, there are a few people we'd like to add to our team!!) God is sooo cool about the friends He sends.


saraiwithani said...

YAY for Sabrina! We are all so blessed to know her.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I just have to say that this brought tears. Okay, of course, what is new this week for me. But, oh my gosh. I did not even know that this was posted here. Aw, Lori, you are the sweetest person in the WHOLE WORLD!!!! Aw, and Sarai you are right up there with her...we are all blessed to know you too! Lori has been telling me all about this blog thing you all are doing. I thought that I would slow down in this busy life of mine and check it out...glad I did b/c this just made my night!