Monday, March 06, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

Someday, I'm actually going to write this post on FRIDAY like it was intended. Whew. Someday.

My friend of the week this week is Sarah James, well, now she is Sarah Caniano, but when we were such great buddies, she was Sarah James. We met in high school for the first time and were inseparable from that first meeting. She and I were both trying to make it as children of ministers and teachers. We both cared little about what other people thought and a LOT about how much fun we could have. We had too many fun times to even begin to mention them, but I will say this: I've never spent more time singing with one person in my entire life. Oh. And this must be said - I will never forget the day we drove back from Wal-Mart in Waynesville (this was in the Pre-Sylva-Wal-Mart-Era) with our heads stuck out of the windows of the truck and getting pelted with a bug in the center of the forehead. It was fun to explain that welt later on!! Sarah and I had a blast and shared secerets and shopping and laughter and yearbook pages! :) We kind of lost touch after she left me here alone to begin her exciting married life across the U.S., but we have recently reconnected and I am sooooo thankful for that. I would love to live in the same area again and get to do all those fun things we used to. Sometimes, this growing up thing really stinks!

Love you Sadie!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sarah Caniano said...

3 years later I do a search on my name and this comes up. I love you too and wish we were closer! Happy Thanksgiving!!!