Monday, March 20, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

Nope. I cannot post my Favorite Friend Friday on Friday. It just doesn't work. It has to be Monday for some reason!!!

My friend of the week this week is Jessica Simpson. I haven't flaunted that I know Jessica because of all the paparazzi. And I really didn't want to be a name dropper...but because of the divorce and all she's been through, I just think it's time for some good press so I am choosing to highlight Jessica as my friend of the week.

What the heck. My friend of the week is Jessica BROOKE Simpson!! :) Brooke and I haven't known each other very long, but I'm so thankful to Sarai for bringing us together. We have tons of stuff in common and already find ourselves sharing a brain much of the time. We don't have lots of stories to share about memories of our friendship, but we are making new ones all the time. Between camp meetings and camp itself and game nights and IMs and emails and text messages and however else we choose to communicate, those memories are being formed and it seems much of those memories involve laughter. I am all for that! Brooke has reminded me of some things about friendship that I had forgotten or had taken for granted. I feel blessed to have a friend with whom I can laugh and vent and pray and just talk about nothing or everything! I'm excited to have Brooke in my life and I can't wait to see where this crazy life takes us.

Thanks for everything Brooke...especially for knowing that Chicken of the Sea is not really chicken. :)


friendbrooke at everyday blessings said...

Friend...I am so honored to be your friend of the week! I am excited about where God is taking our is going to be quite a journey! I love ya!

saraiwithani said...

I do love that Jessica Simpson, and I am so glad that I get to share her with you! Friend #2 ROCKS!