Saturday, February 18, 2006

Favorite Friend SATURDAY?

I'm a little behind. (Ha! Reading that sentence made me laugh. Those of you who really know me, will understand why.)

Jennifer Brewer is my friend of the week this week. Jen and I hardly ever get to talk anymore, but when we do, it's just like we last spoke yesterday!

I met Jen on the day she moved into our dorm at UNC-G. Wendy and I had returned to school early to work with BSU and help freshmen and transfer students move into the dorm. Well, Jen happened to be moving into our dorm. I knew we could be friends when I carried a box of stuff to her room and that box happened to contain a Twila Paris CD and a Steven Curtis Chapman CD. We talked with Jen a little that day and told her if she needed anything, to come on down to our room. So she did! That night, we took our first, of many, Wal-Mart trip together. And what a trip it was! Jen was a blast! She grabbed a buggy and ran into the store, trying to pop a wheelie the whole time. Unfortunately, the buggy flew out from under her and she landed on her face on the floor. Those of you who know me - Sabrina - know that I was too busy laughing to see if she was actually ok so some poor old Wal-Mart woman ran over to her. She was fine and that was just the beginning of our friendship AND our Wal-Mart adventures. (I would still love a copy of that security tape though!)

Jen was our fun friend who always put random things in our shopping cart when we weren't looking. We could get to the checkout with Depends and Fiber-Con and rat poison and other random things. The other great thing about Jen was her constant use of the Wal-Mart Public Address System. She said, "If they didn't want me to use it, they wouldn't put the directions on the phones." So you never knew when you might hear your name on the PA - or what the message might say. It was always a joy, just to go to Wal-Mart.

Jen and I had other quality times together - skipping classes to go to the EUC and swing or to Mrs. Field's for a nutritious cookie breakfast! :) Having fun study sessions while watching Jeopardy. Trips to Bryson City. So many fun things! I just loved hanging out with her.

These days, Jen and her husband live in Texas and we don't really get to see each other. Thanks to the wonder of email and IM, we do get to talk! I love every minute we get to spend catching up! Jen is a fabulous friend. I'm blessed to have her in my life!


Anonymous said...

Those were the days!! We had tons of fun!! :) Remember wanting to spray Pam on the cookie sheet before we actually bought it at Harris Teeter??


Flo said...

Yes I do! And I also remember your Camp Truett Black eye! Do you?!