Monday, February 13, 2006

Mad Music Monday

Well, it's Monday once again and there is some mad music going on in my house! Today is a snow day, and Superintendent Sue Nations, being the angel that she is, even gave teachers the day off. So, I am working on some paperwork and also doing some cleaning around the house. Just light housework. Dishes and laundry mostly. The point is, I listen to the same thing every time I clean the house. Nothing gets me moving like ABBA! Now, I can't explain why. I can only thank John for this influence in my life. ABBA just makes me happy and it's peppy and if I can be inspired to be happy AND quick moving while cleaning, then bring it on! :)

Well, it's time for Dancing Queen - and while I'm neither a dancer nor a queen, it does make me want to sweep my kitchen. Go figure!

Enjoy the snow friends!!!


Flo said...

Of course friend! I look forward to it! There's much to discuss! :)

friendbrooke at everyday blessings said...

Don't sell yourself short friend...I think you are a dancing queen! Enjoy your day off!