Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wacky Wednesday's day two of auditions here at Fairview. And I can hardly wait to see what the day has in store. The act I am most looking forward to is one that was classified "guitar comedy". Now, not only do I not know what this is, but I can't imagine either of these things - guitar or comedy - being done by a 1st grader. We'll see.

I only hope I get to hear Jesus Take the Wheel a couple more times.

The most upsetting thing happened to me last night. I set my VCR to record American Idol while I was gone to Open House. And I came home to see my VCR recording....THE WRONG CHANNEL!!!! What the heck?! This means only one thing. It's time to get TiVo!!!!!!

Well, it's time to squeeze in Math before the fun auditions begin.


saraiwithani said...

I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! And I have TiVo!!! It has a mind of its own right now...missed 2 Idols and 1 Oprah. Not good, I say, Not good.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I did not get to watch either! Bummer! I wondered why we did not discuss Idol for the 2.5 seconds we saw one another!